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Biking safety

In Brome-Missisquoi, share the road and be courteous!

Rules for cyclists

  1. I ride in a single line with no more than 15 riders
  2. I ride with the flow of traffic
  3. I ride on the far right-hand side of the road
  4. I make sure I am seen at all times.
  5. I respect the road signs.
  6. I avoid distractions (phone, earbuds, etc.)

Rules for motorists

  1. When passing a cyclist, I keep a safe distance between my vehicle and the cyclist.
  2. In the absence of danger, the Highway Safety Code, authorizes me to cross a solid line to pass a cyclist.
  3. I avoid all distractions
  4. I stay calm, patient and polite.

Rules for the driver of a heavy vehicle :

  1. I adjust my speed when approaching a cyclist.
  2. I watch for and anticipate the cyclist’s movements.
  3. In the absence of danger, the Highway Safety Code, authorizes me to cross a solid line to pass a cyclist all while maintaining a safe distance.

Be careful : Because of their length and especially their height, heavy vehicles have several blind spots that can make it difficult for their drivers to see cars, pedestrians and cyclists.

Dedicated parking lot for cyclists

Additionnal information

Click here to download the Brome-Missisquoi cycling map (3.9 Mo).


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